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How to Join the King Tom Club

Membership applications must be made in person to the office or at reception. A current photo ID and proof of residence will be required at time of joining.

Application forms can be collected from reception or downloaded from this site.

Membership Applications

Download Social Membership Application Form here.

Download Ordinary Membership Application Form here.

The King Tom Membership period is current from 1 January to 31 December.

Renewals are accepted from December every year.

Membership Renewals must be paid for by 31 January in the current year to remain a financial member and gain entry to the Clubs premises. After this time, the membership is deemed to have expired.

IMPORTANT: Once a membership has expired the member becomes an unfinancial member of the Club. To gain entry to the Club, the expired member is required to pay any past dues as well as current year’s fees or is required to re-join the Club by completing the Club’s application form.

Membership Rates for 2021

New Members (GST inclusive)

Ordinary Non-Voting (Social)     $5

Ordinary                                        $27.50

Ordinary – Pensioner                 $16.50

(must hold a current Pension card)

Renewals (GST inclusive)

Ordinary Non-Voting Social        $5

Ordinary                                         $22.00

Ordinary – Pensioner                  $11.00

(must hold a current Pension card)

Voting Rights

New members do not automatically get voting rights. Voting privileges are granted at the Board’s discretion, generally after a three year period.

Social Members do not have voting rights.

What should I do if I lose my card?

Contact the Club immediately by phone or in person. A replacement card can be issued for a fee of $3

How do I notify the Club of a change of address?

Phone us on 9610 6111, email or on your next visit to the Club notify the office or reception.